BSB Lookup - Australia BSB Number Checker
What is the BSB number in banking?
The BSB number (Bank/State/Branch number) is a numerical code used in banking to identify a specific branch and location of a customer's account. It facilitates the efficient processing of transactions and is primarily used within Australia.
What are the first 3 digits of the BSB?
The first 3 digits of the BSB number represent the following:
- The first two digits specify the parent financial institution.
- The third digit specifies the state where the branch is located.
Is BSB a Swift number?
No, the BSB (Bank/State/Branch) number is not the same as a SWIFT (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication) number. BSB is used specifically in the Australian banking system to identify branches within the country. On the other hand, SWIFT codes are used internationally for identifying banks and financial institutions globally.